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Easy Tips to Take Care of Your Skin and Hair This Holi

Bright colors, delicious gujiyas, and melodic songs are the components of perfect Holi. There is no festival more vibrant, colorful and exciting than this. And as the joyous festivity leaves behind so many hues to cherish with the beloved ones, it also causesseries of skin and hair problems, allergies, breakouts, and irritations later on.

Even if you are prepared with organic colors, there is a high probability that you may get drenched in toxic colors, all thanks to your friends. But this may take a toll on your hair and skin, no matter how particular you are!

So, before you decide to indulge in the burst of colors, below are amazing tips to consider by Curae Health:

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Pre-Holi Care

  1. Use a good moisturizer and sunscreen to apply on your body, especially behind ears and ear lobes.
  2. Wear full sleeves cotton clothes. Do not wear synthetics as it would be sticky and denim would be heavy.
  3. Oil your hair with warm coconut castor or olive oil. Apply all over the bodyincluding hands, feet, and elbows.
  4. Protect your nails by applying nail polish as this will act as a barrier for nails.
  5. Drink loads of water before you start playing as this will keep your skin hydrated.
  6. Avoid wearing lenses as colors may damage the eyes.

Post-Holi Care

  1. It is best to remove colors when it’s wet, as it getsdifficult to remove it after colors become dry.
  2. Use lukewarm water to wash off the colors. The anti-bacterial mixture of sea salt, glycerin and few drops of aroma oil will protect your skin from the toxic colors.
  3. Firstly, wash your hair with plain water and then, go for a mild shampoo and conditioner to clean your hair properly.Also, to give your hair its moisture back, you can choose a nice hair mask.

Even if there is any color left on your body after following these tips, then you can use a lemon to take it out.

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