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Fruits and Vegetables that you must have in Winters

Seasonal fruits and vegetables are harvested at different times of the year and each has its own importance. We all are aware that including fruits and vegetables are a must have for a balanced diet as they are high in antioxidants, thus, play an important role in good health.

Even the experts have said that these contain fiber in large amount which lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weight gain and few diseases of the digestive tract. In fact, nutritionists suggest that adult men should consume 38 grams of fiber each day while women should intake at least 25 grams.

Therefore, eating winter fruits and vegetables with vitamin-rich food helps in boosting immunity and keeping one healthy. It would be best if you consume raw fruits and veggies since they are rich in enzymes before boiling or cooking.

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So, here are top five winter season’s fruits and vegetables and their benefits:

Red Cabbage

Red Cabbage is high in cruciferous, which helps in preventing cancer mainly because of the antioxidants. It contains anthocyanins, potent antioxidants particularly found in berries that may boost memory and heart health. It is also loaded with vitamin K to support healthy bones. Being low in fat, it can also help to lose weight.

Sweet Potatoes

Their deep orange color means these spuds share an alike nutrient profile with winter squash. The benefit of sweet potatoes is that they are simple to prepare and are a good quality source of fiber.


This ancient fruit may have three times the antioxidant power of green tea, helping to fend off cancer and heart disease. Besides, it is a good source of vitamins, proteins, fibers, potassium and folate. Apart from these, being a fiber-rich fruit, it is also good for digestion.

Citrus Fruit

Except for providing Vitamin C, Oranges and its relatives provide folic acid, potassium, and selenium. Besides they are rich in a substance called hesperetin, a flavonoid that can help in lower blood pressure and cholesterol. They can either be eaten raw or you can use them as a topping for low-fat frozen yogurt with a touch of coconut.


Peas are a winter vegetable. It certainly helps with anti-aging. It is also a good source to boost your immune system. It also helps in controlling blood sugar level because of the high fiber and protein.

The major benefit of consuming seasonal veggies is that the antioxidants they possess help in boosting the immunity to the maximum level and prevent the causes of certain diseases which fall in the winter season and also aids in slowing down the aging process.

In order to fulfil the requirements of these essential nutrients in your body, you can also consume vegetarian B complex supplement readily available in the market!

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