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Must-Have Nutrition for Expectant Mothers

Pregnancy is one of the greatest blessings of a woman’s life. During this phase, a woman’s body undergoes many physical and hormonal changes, hence, consumption of properly balanced diet is necessary from the preconception period to ensure maternal well–being and positive pregnancy outcomes.

A study warns that insufficient nutrition can not only cause diabetes and heart disease but can also lead to early menopause at an age younger than 45. Experts also recommend that expecting mothers should intake at least 300 calories extra than usual. Therefore, healthy eating is important while you are pregnant so that your baby gets the nutrients it deserves at the crucial development stage.

Below are a few nutritional tips on the same:

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1. Proper Intake of  Calcium and Iron

Calcium and iron are vital for pregnant women. You should not skip the daily serving of Calcium because it aids in building baby’s bones and teeth and can be easily found in all types of dairy products. Experts recommend that pregnant women should consume at least 27 milligrams of iron in a day which can be found in foods like spinach, cashews, whole grains and beans. You can also ask your doctor to prescribe the best calcium supplement as this way you and your baby will get all the required nutrients.

2. Folic Acid is Important

Folic acid is mandatory to consume since it evades birth defects in the baby’s brain and spinal cord. Hence, ladies should increase intake of at least 600 micro grams a day. The main sources of folic acid are dark green leafy vegetables, cereals, bread, pasta, beans, citrus fruits, and legumes.

3. Right Consumption of Omega 3

Omega 3 is an essential nutrient to live healthy but it cannot be synthesized by the human body, and hence, should be consumed from proper diet or vegetarian omega 3 supplements. It aids in promoting baby’s brain and eye development and  also supports full – term delivery and healthy birth weight. Its daily dosage is limited to 300-600 mg per day for pregnant women. 

4. Increase Protein in your Diet

A lot of protein is definitely required during the pregnancy phase. The amino acids comprising protein are the building blocks of human body cells and baby. Thus, it is important to include enough protein to the diet in the form of foods like peas, dried beans, almonds, oats, and lentils.

Make sure that you include these nutritional tips during pregnancy phase so that you and your baby can be as healthy as possible.

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