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Tips to Take Care of Health While Working

The stress, long working hours and sedentary lifestyle of the working professionals is causing a great deal of health issues these days. Majority of professionals involved in desk jobs suffer from neck and back health risks, the reason being that they spend hours sitting in the same position and carrying the same movement. Such actions force the body into uncomfortable positions that put a lot of stress on health causing cardiovascular complications, increased risk of diabetes, risk of muscle degeneration, leg disorders.

There are many similar health problems and issues that arise while working on computers and are never cared about. As they say, Health is Wealth, therefore, health concerns should always be given a priority.

Here are a few tips to take care of your health while working anytime during the day or night:


Correct Posture


The main factor for a health issue is sitting posture.The backrest of the chair should be comfortably adjusted with your back. Avoid sitting at a particular position for a long duration. Change the positions frequently like the following:

  • Sitting upright position
  • Sitting reclined
  • Sitting declined

Take Care of your Eyes-

Eye is one of the organs which is most abused. Always wash your hands before touching your eyes. Be sure to work where there is appropriate lighting as dim light working environment causes eyes to exert more effort, hence, causing muscle stress. MVM Forte- Multi-Vitamin & Mineral supplement is a vegetarian food supplement that not only takes care of your eyes but also fulfills the requirements of minerals and multi-vitamins in your body.

 Improve Metabolism


Prolonged sitting can cause weight gain and associated biochemical changes like alterations in hormones, metabolic dysfunction, leptin dysfunction, and inflammation.It is best to take BENTAC- Vitamin B complex supplement with Choline and Inositol supplement to improve metabolism because of the hectic lifestyle professionals live and non-availability of time.

Drink Plenty of Water –

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Dehydration may cause ill effects like drowsiness and sluggishness. Therefore, remember to drink water at regular intervals. The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) recommends total water intake of 3.7 liters (15 cups) for the average adult male and 2.7 liters (11 cups) for the average adult female, which also includes water from the food you consume.

 Get Rid of Junk Food-


Go for healthier food choices, eat slowly and pay attention to portion size and ingredients! But if you are unable to take the essential food nutrients, then you can fulfill the requirement of essential nutrients in the body through food supplements.

If one does not care about preventing sedentary life problems or simply forgets to perform regular physical or mental exercises to overcome health issues, it may affect the overall quality of life. This might include enumerated health problems and low work performance abilities. That is why to live a long healthy lifestyle, do not forget to take care of yourselves!

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